Police reports
The Bozeman Police Department reports for Friday and Saturday included the following:
€ Officers warned a man for trying to write his initials in wet concrete along East Main Street.
€ Officers arrested a man after he gave them a false name. The man had an outstanding warrant on his real name and three warrants on his alias.
€ A man on South Ninth Avenue was arrested for calling 911 twice and using vulgar language with dispatchers.
€ Police removed a disorderly man from outside an apartment building on South 20th Avenue. The man returned several times, once defecating on the step, before officers arrested him for trespassing.
€ An employee at an East Main Street store was arrested for stealing money and falsifying cash refunds.
€ Vandals exploded what police believe was a dry-ice bomb on Knaab Drive.
€ A man was attacked by two crows while walking along North Seventh Avenue.
The Gallatin County Sheriff's Office report for Saturday included the following:
€ Deputies warned an airline passenger for having CO2 bottles in his carry-on bag.
€ Several individuals on Jackrabbit Lane were warned for burning without a permit.
€ Deputies warned a motorist for traveling too slowly on Interstate 90.