Thursday, March 1, 2007

I love small town crime

I lived in Bozeman, MT for a number of years. Great town. If I could make a decent living there I would have never left. I find the police blotter there very entertaining. Nothing ever happens there. Got to love it.

Police reports

The Bozeman Police reports for Tuesday included the following:

� A person on Lily Drive was bitten by a dog.

� A computer was stolen from a home on North 20th Avenue.

� A male juvenile was arrested in connection with spray-painting graffiti on a building on West Main Street.

� An officer stopped traffic for several mule deer crossing the intersection of South 19th Avenue and West College Street.

The Gallatin County sheriff's reports for Tuesday included the following:

� A dog on Sage Drive attempted to bite a deputy. The deputy used pepper spray to stop the dog.

� A woman on Cape Avenue told deputies that a man entered her home and stole her jar of coins.

� A boy on Frank Road dialed 911 and hung up after his mom refused to take him to the pet store.

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